A University of Massachusetts Medical School text on biases.
Key Concepts addressed:- 1-7 利益相反に気を付けること
- 2-5 自分がどの治療を受けたのかを知るべきではありません
- 2-9 公正な比較のレビューは系統的である必要があります
- 2-13 効果の相対的な測定は誤解を招く可能性があります
One factor that often leads to interference with the truth in the medical literature is bias. It can be very difficult if not impossible to remove bias from the picture. This is one of the strengths of the systematic review – the detailed criteria that authors of systematic reviews must follow help to eliminate as much bias as possible. But, if you know what types of bias are lurking in the literature, you will be able to better understand how they might affect the results of outcomes data you
are reading. Then, you can use your skills as a manager of knowledge to compensate as best as you can.