Not all scientific studies are created equally
David Schwartz dissects two types of studies that scientists use, illuminating why you should always approach claims with a critical eye.
Key Concepts addressed:- 1-3 関連性と因果関係は同じではない
- 1-7 利益相反に気を付けること
- 2-2 比較群は同等でなければなりません
- 2-5 自分がどの治療を受けたのかを知るべきではありません
- 3-2 あなたは試験を受けた人々と大きく異なりますか?
Every day, we are bombarded by attention grabbing headlines that promise miracle cures to all of our ailments — often backed up by a “scientific study.” But what are these studies, and how do we know if they are reliable? In this 5 minute video David H. Schwartz dissects two types of studies that scientists use, illuminating why you should always approach the claims with a critical eye.