Reading the Medical literature
American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG) introduction to critical appraisal and evidence-based medicine.
Key Concepts addressed:- 1-3 関連性と因果関係は同じではない
- 1-6 専門家の意見が必ずしも正しいとは限らない
- 2-1 治療効果を特定するためには比較が必要です
- 2-2 比較群は同等でなければなりません
- 2-5 自分がどの治療を受けたのかを知るべきではありません
- 2-13 効果の相対的な測定は誤解を招く可能性があります
- 2-17 「統計学的有意性」と「重要性」を混同しないでください
- 2-15 人数または転帰イベントの少ない公正な比較は誤解を招く可能性があります
Applying Evidence to Practice
Reading the Medical Literature is designed as a resource for Fellows of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and others to offer a better understanding of evidence-based medicine, particularly as it relates to the development of ACOG’s clinical practice guidelines.
As evidence-based medicine continues to develop and to be integrated into clinical practice, an understanding of its basic elements is critical in translating the medical literature into appropriate clinical practice.