Detectives in the classroom
Short Description:
Five modules of materials for promoting epidemiology among high school students.
Key Concepts addressed:- 1-3 関連性と因果関係は同じではない
- 2-1 治療効果を特定するためには比較が必要です
- 2-2 比較群は同等でなければなりません
- 2-5 自分がどの治療を受けたのかを知るべきではありません
- 2-9 公正な比較のレビューは系統的である必要があります
- 2-15 人数または転帰イベントの少ない公正な比較は誤解を招く可能性があります
- 2-8 関連する公正な比較はすべて検討してください
The Epidemiology Education Movement, a grass roots effort to integrate epidemiology and other public health science into elementary and secondary schools, is based on two main ideas:
- If we define education as something that prepares people to live in their world, it should include giving people tools with which to make informed lifestyle and societal decisions that affect their health.
- If people with common interests in grade 6-12 epidemiology education are aware of each other’s activities, we will progress more quickly to critical mass and significant change.
To bring together common efforts to this end, we have created this website as a communications venue for teachers, public health professionals and organizations involved in the Movement. The goals include:
- Infusing epidemiology into curricula in grades 6-12;
- Increasing students’ scientific literacy; and
- Increasing the number of students considering careers in public health.